Monday, 5 September 2011

Shona and Mickey at "Barlogan" Lauder 03/09/11

Shona and Mickey were married on Saturday 3rd at "Barlogan" in Lauder. The ceremony was attended by 30 of their closest friends and family. It was a great day, and everyone was in good spirits. Champagne and canapes were served to guests before and after the service. Registrar and friend, Margaret Dick provided a wonderful service, as usual. A big thank you to Martin, the best man, for carrying out his duties, all his help and for putting up with me, to Shona's sister, Jenny, and to Shona's daughter, Rachel, for looking after her. A big thank you to Wendy and her staff at "Barlogan" for looking after everyone and for providing marvellous food.
On Sunday friends and family were invited to The Dipper (The Golden Bannock) in Lauder to continue with the party. Another great afternoon was had by all.
And as usual a big thank you to Shona and Mickey for letting me share their day with them.
ps Maxwell, sorry for breaking your rose !!!!!!!! (it could have been worse)
A few photographs from the day.
Click on photographs to enlarge