Sunday, 12 December 2010

Shona and Kevin at Glasgow Cathedral and the Barony Hall 27/11/10

Shona and Kevin got married at Glasgow Cathedral, a magnificent medieval Cathedral dating back to 1197. In a previous post I harked on about how when we visit France, Spain or Italy we look upon their old churches and cathedrals as being outstanding, but we have some amazing cathedrals and churches on our own door step. They are all well worth a visit even if you are not religious. The architecture is something else. Anyway, back to the wedding. Despite the awful road conditions we all made it. A great wedding, with the reception held in the Barony Hall a few hundred yards from the Cathedral. Thank you to Gary, Kevin's brother, who also was best man, for all his help, to the ushers, to Jenny and the bridesmaids, and a special thank you to Shona and Kevin.
As usual a few photographs from the day
Click on to enlarge

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